It’s Swedish. For “The Walrus has a bucket” – more about that quaint new year tradition later. It’s time for some flying pictures. Yay!
First, Blairgowrie, taken from the “sun shines on the righteous” series. I can see my old house from up here…

Next, Christmas Day at work last year – this year there was no snow and we went flying. Last year there was only snow…

…as you can see by the tracks, I had fun driving the tractor round the (closed) airfield!
Christmas presents. Socks are good but TOOLS are better. This magnetic extendable grabber tool thing has been sitting in the tool kit for two years, just waiting for the call to action. On the 27th during the pre-flight inspection I was checking the level of the oil and managed to drop the dipstick – it bounced down into the bottom of the engine. Rather than taking the bottom cowling off (which would have taken about 30 seconds) it was finally time. I deployed the tool. It’s a really strong magnet and the first two attempts tried to retrieve the steel engine mount but the third was a success. Best Christmas present ever…

While the cowling was off I renewed the heat shielding for wiring to the ignition modules. The wires cross the top of the exhaust with about six inches clearance so better safe than sorry…

And then it was time for some new passengers for the aircraft. Amazingly, only two people had flown with me up to this point… Brenda and Rory.
Passenger 3 – Brenda’s daughter Ellie

…and Passenger 4, Ellie’s boyfriend Lewis.

Winter is great for photos, with low sun and long shadows. Most of these were taken on the phone camera.
I like the tree shadows in this one, right in the centre on the green field.

The only trouble with winter is the short daylight hours, we always have to head back to the barn before we want to.

A high wing aircraft would be better for photos, but for the moment, this one will do. Big adventures ahead in 2018.

Oh, and the walrus thing? That’s for some other time.